When you choose to work with me, we tap into over 12 years of experience dedicated to empowering women through transformative journeys. Drawing from my own transformation, spiritual awakenings, deep trauma work, come with me on a journey through the mind, body and soul. Together we will dive deep into the realms of inner child healing, generational trauma and creating a path of personal growth and lasting positive change.

Keep reading to find out how…

You are in the right place…

I see you, I have been where you are and been through my own transformation but have also helped 100s of women
transform their lives too. If you are here, you may feel like you are:

  • Completely disconnected to yourself and your intuition.

  • Unsure of your purpose.

  • Feeling unhappy, but not knowing why.

  • Struggling with relationships - both romantic, friends and family.

  • Struggling with confidence, self-esteem and/or self worth.

  • Feeling stuck.

  • Not feeling good enough or struggling with perfectionism.

  • Unable to be yourself or even know who you are.

  • Fed up of unexplained behaviours

  • Plagued by self doubt

  • Fed up of self-sabotage

  • Crippled by the judgement of others

  • Struggle to make decisions

  • Fed up of people pleasing

  • Struggling to set and reinforce boundaries

    I have been here, I have felt these feelings and I am here to tell you it is entirely possible to change every single one of these things with the right help. I have supported 100s of women to transform their life and it is entirely possible for you. You just have to make that 1% shift in your mindset that this COULD be for you and you can move forward, you can experience liberation, you can let these thought patterns, feelings, emotions go and you CAN be happy in your life.

Area’s we can work on...

  • Whether you had a good or less good childhood, before the age of 8 our subconscious mind is a little sponge and absorbs all information that forms our deep routed beliefs. Together we will tap into this, uncover and heal any past wounds, barriers and limiting beliefs. We will nurture your inner child giving you tools for mind, body, and soul to transform your life into a joyful and fulfilling journey.

  • It didn’t start with you, but it can end with you. Our DNA and generational trauma play a huge role in our life without us realising. Together we can unravel the ancestral wounds, entrenched patterns and beliefs passed down that may be affecting you. Together we break the chain and change things for your life and those coming after you creating generational wealth.

  • Through healing, tapping into your intuition, discovering who you are and feeling confident to embrace your authentic self both inwardly and showing this authentic self to the world. Letting go of what people think, people pleasing, being able to hold boundaries are just a few positive aspects that can change and allow you to step into your authentic self. Working together we can dive deep to bring that version of you out and create the life your truly with happy.


The Next Steps…

So you have decided you are ready to transform and really step into your power, whether you pick the One Hour Power Hour or the Step Into Your Power Package, all clients must go through an application process. This is to ensure I can help you and we are aligned to work together to ensure you get the maximum results and receiving the right support for the goals you wish to achieve.

Please click the application form below, complete the form and I will be in touch within 24-72 hours.

If you would like to talk about the packages or your specific concerns, I offer a free 20 minute consultation call. So please email me at iamcoachkirsty@gmail.com

  • Kirsty, I can't believe how my life has transformed since working with you. I can't believe I have my dream job that fits in with the kids. This has been an incredible journey. Thank you so much -Stacey.

  • I had a coaching session with Kirsty not even 2 weeks ago where we uncovered some limiting beliefs and fears I have about myself and holding me back. In just the 1 hour we went through so much and Kirsty put together a plan which I’ve been following for the past 9 days. The plan is to rewire my subconscious belief about myself and my abilities. And overcome a fear. And after only 9 days I can feel the effects already. I could feel them last week to be honest!! - Sally

  • Following my life coaching sessions, I felt positive, focused, enlightened. The action plan, along with other tools have really helped me throughout a difficult period. Prior to the coaching I felt hopeless and without direction.. Reiki received following discussions of trauma and afterwards I felt very calm, relaxed and more at peace. Thank you Kirsty. - Rebecca

  • Working with Kirsty has been an absolute game-changer for me. I was struggling to find my direction in life and was just starting to explore my spirituality. Today, I am amazed at how far I've come. I've not only gained a deep understanding of manifesting but also found a clear path that resonates with me on a soul level. I feel so much more in with myself and aligned. - Tara

Contact me!

Got a question? No problem! Pop it below and I am happy to answer any questions you have about my Spiritual Transformation Coaching!